Crowd-funding campaign via Tudigo

We have recently launched a crowd-funding campaign via the platform Tudigo. We have recently launched a crowd-funding campaign via the platform Tudigo. Our campaign is advancing at a very high speed, faster than we had imagined!🔥 We attained our first objective (200K) within a few days and are now speeding towards our major goal:raise 500K! SYNOVANCE can […]
Welcome to our new student!

Elias Asrih Student M1 Management of Bioproductions Faculté de Pharmacie de Tours We are very glad to welcome Elias Asrih, student M1 Management of Bioproductions, Faculté de Pharmacie de Tours for a 3-month internship at Synovance! Elias is helping us to scale-up our bioproduction of dyes. In just a couple of weeks he has already produced […]
GreenTech Innovation Award!

SYNOVANCE got awarded the Green Tech Verte labelling from the Ministère de l’Environnement! This competitive selection certifies our green, eco-friendly, innovative technologies and our potential to contribute to the French ecological transition!The Greentechverte initiative identifies innovative companies in areas of ecological transition. These companies are selected for their capacity to innovate and deploy their solutions […]
EU Seal of Excellence

After a very competitive procedure, we got awarded the Seal of Excellence by the European Union for our proposal entitled: “Synthetic Biology for Sustainable Life” (SYnBol). Following evaluation by an international panel of independent experts our project WAS SCORED AS A HIGH-QUALITY PROJECT PROPOSAL IN A HIGHLY COMPETITIVE EVALUATION PROCESS* *This means passing all stringent […]